Wednesday, October 26, 2005

A Tribute to Samir Kassir

Please visit, a small tribute to a great thinker. The new website was created by a group of students, comrades of Samir and members of his family, with useful information about him as a person, and more importantly about his thought. I am sure you will enjoy it, or at the very least, will find it quite informative.

To me, Samir's death will always be something I would reflect upon. The shock, melancholy, grief and disappointment, are emotions that will haunt me as long as I live. It is a weird connection you make with individuals you get to know only through their words and ideology. I have chosen not to talk about his death, especially at a time when everything and everyone is doing nothing but talk; at a time when some were hailing and almost glorifying Ghazi Kanaan... It is only honorable for Samir Kassir and George Hawi to be rested in peace, silently, while working to make their dreams, our dreams, come true.

You were nothing but a breeze,
along this side of our valley,
so tender, fresh and reviving,
so humble and so pure...

Yet a storm was building inside of you,
...A whirlwind
That plucked one thorn after the other.

You were nothing more than a creek,
That flows away from the river.
Carving a path so new, deep and true,
That will remain in our souls forever.

You said hardships can make you strong,
And our failures should make us better.
All those thoughts you have planted,
Will make you live and keep us together....

I think I have slipped into that bazaar I was trying to avoid, so excuse me.


Tuesday, October 11, 2005

A Conversation (or something like it)

Yesterday, I had an interesting talk with my program manager (J) infront of our building, during a short break from work:

Me: The weather is getting worse isn't it?

J: I hope it doesn't get colder, once it does, it stays like that for a long time...

Me: (smiles) how is work?

J: (sighs) I have to find some rich man who likes old fat lazy women like me...

Me: yeah, you should...

J: (eyes wide open, staring at me) ...

Me: mmmm, So the weather is getting worse! Do you think it will rain?

Monday, October 10, 2005

The Double Helix

A couple of days ago I finished reading James Watson's book "The Double Helix". Once I started reading the introduction, I was on it all day. It was so easy to relate to the atmosphere surrounding the events in the book, and the character of Watson himself, the Nobel Laureate who doesn't share the boring, serious and nerdy personality of his colleagues was very refreshing and surprising. It was hilarious to know that the man who made the discovery of his century once decided to heat benzene using a Bunsen Burner!! He got his PhD without completing any organic chemistry courses, which proves my hypothesis... smart people and organic chemistry just don't mix. And it comforted me to know that during most lectures he spent his time day-dreaming about stuff that has nothing to do with science... reminds me of... me.
So after all, a successful scientist doesn't have to be a nerdy prick preaching his superiority to every one within a mile of his pompous self. Which means I will have to change... just kidding!!

Tuesday, October 04, 2005

Arab "Democracy"--- Pathetic

Will this Arab "nation" ever learn, or have any consideration for history? What kind of ignorant creatures are these???!!! I bet if it weren't for the presence and control of the American and UN "foreigners" the Iraqis (esp. their leaders) would have established a new dictatorship/dictatorships by now. And still some manage to blame the "west" for ALL our misery with a straight face.

UN condemns rule change that favours 'yes' vote in Iraq
By Times Online and agencies

The United Nations has attacked rule changes by the Shia-led Government in Iraq that make it harder for voters to reject the draft constitution in next week’s referendum.

The change, which has angered Sunni leaders who oppose the document, was "not acceptable and would not meet international standards", said Jose Aranaz, a legal adviser to the UN legal team in Iraq.

Parliament approved new rules on Sunday which require a simple majority of those turning out to vote to approve the draft constitution, while it would take two-thirds of registered voters in at least three provinces to reject it.

"We have expressed our position to the national assembly and to the leadership of the Government and told them that the decision that was taken was not acceptable and would not meet international standards," said Mr Aranaz.

A number of Sunni Muslims have already called for a "no" vote to the constitution because they believe that its federalist provisions will divide the country. Sunnis form a majority in three provinces in Iraq, but they largely boycotted general elections earlier this year.

"You cannot have two different meanings in one article. It’s using interpretation to your own benefit," according to the UN official who requested anonymity.

According to Article 61C of the Transitional Administrative Law, a two-thirds vote in each of any three provinces is enough to reject the draft constitution in the October 15 referendum.

The original article reads: "The general referendum will be successful and the draft constitution ratified if a majority of the voters in Iraq approve and if two-thirds of the voters in three or more governorates do not reject it."

On Sunday, parliament changed the rules to read "voter" in the first instance and "registered voter" in the second, making it more difficult for those opposed to the draft constitution to reject it.